Monday, February 20, 2012

DAY 1:

New boots.  If I'm going to spend the next two weeks figuring out who the "me" of the future is, it's important to have some sassy attire. This will do.  Plus new toenail polish. A sparkly violet-mauve, something you might have seen on bridesmaids dresses in the 90s, yet somehow just perfect today. Plus a new hot pink notebook to write things down in.  Things that will not be posted here.

Next, I started in on my "books assigned by my children" list.  First, it was "The Fault in our Stars" by John Green (assigned by Emily.)  It's about two teenagers with cancer -- Hazel and Augustus.  Brainy and witty, it's a coming-of-age-too-soon kind of story in which H & A navigate traditional teenage stuff while also facing real existential life and death issues. Fascinating characters.  Great lines. But of course, one of them dies in the end.  Yep, it's sad. 

Presently, I'm about 2/3 of the way through "Blue Heron" by Avi (chosen for me by Ali at the Tigard Public Library book sale because it's my favorite bird.)  It's about a girl named Maggie who thinks everything should be magical (yes!), a summer by a lake, a blue heron she falls in love with, and a boy named Tucker who thinks he should shoot the blue heron with his bow and arrow set. I think there's heartbreak of one kind or another ahead.

My morning run through the woods with the popping pussy willow tree was springy and fun. Yoga tonight after two weeks away was distinctly un-fun. Yoga is not easy when you are a) exhausted, b) a perfectionist and c) stubborn.  But that's why it's good for me, I'm told.  Maybe it will make me less a, b, and c-like in the future.

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