Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 7:

Haircut. Groceries. Laundry. Museum redux. Dinner with friends. Manhattans with the good cherries.

More often than not, within days of getting a haircut, someone makes note of the fact that my hair is getting really long.  I choose to be amused.

In other amusing news of the day --

My cute blue-haired, tattooed, 24-year old hair cutter with the slightly contrived accent announced that the format of the 70s/80s station playing on the radio must be the oldies...

My 16-year old advised me on safe and proper driving technique when faced with a yellow light...and then thought that we should really purchase her prom dress today because of a concern they might be out of size one by next weekend...

The gas station guy gave me two bags of fruit snacks for my "riders."  Maybe in recognition of the fact that I'd just paid $3.89 per gallon?...

Three random 40-something men earnestly conferred, "Well, you know, the real difference between women and men, is that women want ______." (Of course that was the one word I couldn't catch.)

A funny friend surprised me with a whimsical twin bracelet, and then we wore them to dinner...

It actually snowed for about a minute...

And I found out that all of those giant monkey puzzle trees in the old front yards of Portland were originally tiny seedlings given away at the 1905 World's Fair.

I only wish I knew what women want.

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